Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amеn.
"O LORD, how manifold are thy works! in wisdom hast thou made them all: the earth is full of thy riches."
Holy Bible, Psalm 104:24
The current site, with God's help will try to present the diversity and the beauty of the Bulgarian flora, thus we would like to achieve the following aims:
The plant species are presented with a brief text and original pictures, which are shot in Bulgaria. The species are arranged in a species list, containing all of the plants in the site, list of the families, and list of the genera. The links to the different lists are following below.
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Recently uploaded species
5 February 2025:
Picea omorika - Serbian spruce
31 January 2025:
30 January 2025:
Mahonia aquifolium - Oregon Grape Holly
26 January 2025:
Epilobium hirsutum - Great Willowherb
23 January 2025:
Trifolium angustifolium - Narrow-leaf Clover
22 January 2025:
Linum catharticum - Fairy Flax
21 January 2025:
Lycium barbarum - Chinese Boxthorn
17 January 2025:
Myriophyllum spicatum - Water Milfoil
16 January 2025:
Alchemilla vulgaris - Lady's Mantle
13 January 2025:
11 January 2025:
Epilobium alsinifolium - Chickweed Willowherb
9 January 2025:
Pyrola chlorantha - Green-flowered Wintergreen
3 January 2025:
Erigeron annuus - Annual Fleabane
31 December 2024:
Plantago coronopus - Buck's horn Plantain
26 December 2024:
Hordeum bulbosum - Bulbous Barley
21 December 2024:
Knautia arvensis - Field Scabious
18 December 2024:
Chaerophyllum hirsutum - Hairy Chervil
11 December 2024:
5 December 2024:
Centaurea phrygia - Wig knapweed
4 December 2024:
3 December 2024:
2 December 2024:
Orchis mascula - Early-purple Orchid
Centaurea jacea - Meadow Knapweed
28 November 2024:
26 November 2024:
Cirsium bulgaricum - Bulgarian Thistle
22 November 2024:
Persicaria hydropiper - Water Pepper
21 November 2024:
Phytolacca americana - American Pokeweed
15 November 2024:
Galinsoga parviflora - Potato Weed
13 November 2024:
9 November 2024:
5 November 2024:
1 November 2024:
Albizia julibrissin - Persian Silk Trees
29 October 2024:
Epipactis microphylla - Small-leaved Helleborine
25 October 2024:
Sisymbrium orientale - Indian hedge-mustard
22 October 2024:
Vicia peregrina - Wandering Vetch
19 October 2024:
16 October 2024:
9 October 2024:
Marrubium vulgare - White horehound
8 October 2024:
Plantago argentea - Silver Plantain
4 October 2024:
28 September 2024:
Aristolochia clematitis - Birthwort
26 September 2024:
22 September 2024:
21 September 2024:
Euphorbia taurinensis - Turin spurge
20 September 2024:
Prunus laurocerasus - Cherry Laurel
15 September 2024:
11 September 2024:
Cardamine graeca - Greek Bittercress
10 September 2024:
4 September 2024:
Bistorta vivipara - Alpine Bistort
31 August 2024:
29 August 2024:
23 August 2024:
21 August 2024:
20 August 2024:
Campanula rapunculoides - Creeping Bellflower
13 August 2024:
Rheum rhaponticum - Rhapontic Rhubarb
26 July 2024:
Tragus racemosus - European Bur-Grass
9 July 2024:
Ononis arvensis - Common Restharrow
7 July 2024:
Nasturtium officinale - Watercress
25 June 2024:
Polygonum arenastrum - Equal-leaved Knotgrass
8 June 2024:
Myosoton aquaticum - Water chickweed
3 June 2024:
Clematis alpina - Alpine Clematis
29 May 2024:
Linaria pelisseriana - Jersey Toadflax
22 May 2024:
Draba lasiocarpa - Woolly-fruited Whitlow-grass
20 May 2024:
Arabidopsis thaliana - Thale Cress
16 May 2024:
10 May 2024:
Euphorbia nicaeensis - Nice spurge
30 April 2024:
Solanum nigrum - European Black Nightshade
23 April 2024:
11 April 2024:
8 April 2024:
Centaurea stoebe subsp. serbica - Spotted Knapweed
4 April 2024:
Spirodela polyrhiza - Greater Duckweed
19 March 2024:
Epilobium tetragonum - Square-stalked Willowherb
12 March 2024:
7 March 2024:
5 March 2024:
27 February 2024:
Recently updated pages
30 April 2022:
05 April 2022:
17 January 2022:
Green Foxglove - Digitalis viridiflora
1 March 2021:
Information about Pinus mugo - Mountain Pine is updated and are added new pictures.