Typha latifolia

Broadleaf Cattail

Pictures of Typha latifolia (Broadleaf Cattail)

Typha latifolia Typha latifolia Typha latifolia Typha latifolia Typha latifolia Typha latifolia Typha latifolia Typha latifolia

(Click on the pictures to see them in larger size)

Common names

Broadleaf Cattail.

Scientific name

Typha latifolia L.

Conservation status and threats

NOT protected species in Bulgaria.

Description and identification

Typha latifolia is a perennial herbaceous aquatic plant, to 2,5 cm high. Leaves up to 2 cm. Flowering June-August1.


In swamps, on the periphery of lakes, in slow-flowing and stagnant waters, in ditches and others2.

Distribution in Bulgaria

In the plains and foothills of the whole country, but also climbs above 1000 meters altitude3.


1 Йорданов, Д. 1963. В: Флора на Народна Република България, том I, изтаделство на БАН.

2 Йорданов, Д. 1963.

3 Йорданов, Д. 1963.

Typha latifolia на български

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