Broadleaf Cattail.
Typha latifolia L.
NOT protected species in Bulgaria.
Typha latifolia is a perennial herbaceous aquatic plant, to 2,5 cm high. Leaves up to 2 cm. Flowering June-August1.
In swamps, on the periphery of lakes, in slow-flowing and stagnant waters, in ditches and others2.
In the plains and foothills of the whole country, but also climbs above 1000 meters altitude3.
1 Йорданов, Д. 1963. В: Флора на Народна Република България, том I, изтаделство на БАН.
2 Йорданов, Д. 1963.
3 Йорданов, Д. 1963.
The theory of evolution is a lie!