Ranunculus crenatus

Crenate Buttercup

Pictures of Ranunculus crenatus

Ranunculus crenatus Ranunculus crenatus Ranunculus crenatus Ranunculus crenatus Ranunculus crenatus

(Click on the pictures to see them in larger size)

Common name

Crenate Buttercup

Scientific name

Ranunculus crenatus Waldst. & Kit.

Conservation status and threats

NOT protected species in Bulgaria.

Description and identification

Herbaceous perennial plant. The stem is 3 to 15 cm tall. The flowers 1,5–2,5 cm across. The basal leaf are reniform. Leaf margin crenate. Flowering season: June-August[1].


Wet and stony meadows, along the melting snowbanks and rock cracks in the high mountain belt[2].

Distribution in Bulgaria

Found in the following mountains: Rila, Pirin, Stara planina and Western Rhodopes; between 1600 and 2600 m (≈ 5250 - 8530 ft) altitude[3].

General distribution

Central and Southeast Europe[4].


[1] Пенев Ив. 1970. В: Флора на Народна Република България, том IV. Издателство на БАН. София.

[2] Пенев Ив. 1970. Пос. източник.

[3] Пенев Ив. 1970. Пос. източник.

[4] Пенев Ив. 1970. Пос. източник.

Ranunculus crenatus на български

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