Features of Ranunculaceae family
Herbaceous annual or perennial plants.
About 95 species and 20 genus are native in Bulgaria
Genus list of Ranunculaceae family
Adonis - Pheasant's eye
Aconitum - Monkshood
Actaea - Baneberry
Aquilegia - Columbine
Caltha - Kingcup
Clematis - Old man's beard
Consolida - Larkspur
Delphinium - Larkspur
Ficaria - Fig Buttercup
Helleborus - Hellebore
Hepatica - Liverleaf
Nigella - Love-in-a-mist
Pulsatilla - Pasque flower
Ranunculus - Buttercup
Thalictrum - Meadow rue
Trollius - Globe Flower
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