Viola grisebachiana

Pictures of Viola grisebachiana

Viola grisebachiana Viola grisebachiana Viola grisebachiana Viola grisebachiana Viola grisebachiana Viola grisebachiana

(Click on the pictures to see them in larger size)

Common names


Scientific name

Viola grisebachiana Vis. (s.l.).

Conservation status and threats

PROTECTED species in Bulgaria. "Endangered" in Ana Petrova & Vladimir Vladimirov. 2009. Red List of Bulgarian vascular plants – Phytol. Balcan., 15(1): 63-94.

Description and identification

High mountain tufted perennial plant with stems 5-20 cm long. Flowering July - August.

Distribution in Bulgaria

In the next floristic regions: The Rhodopes, The Pirin and The Slavianka [Stoyanov, N. & B. Kitanov, 1966].

General distribution

Balkan endemic species.

Viola grisebachiana на български
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