Linaria genistifolia

Broomleaf Toadflax

Pictures of Linaria genistifolia

Linaria genistifolia Linaria genistifolia Linaria genistifolia Linaria genistifolia Linaria genistifolia Linaria genistifolia

(Click on the pictures to see them in larger size)

Common name

Broomleaf Toadflax

Scientific name

Linaria genistifolia (L.) Mill.

Conservation status and threats

NOT protected species in Bulgaria.

Description and identification

Linaria genistifolia is a perennial herbaceous plant, 20-130 cm tall. Flowernig May-August1.

Distribution in Bulgaria

Throughout the country from sea level to 1800 meters altitude2.

General distribution

Central and Southeast Europe, Siberia, Caucasus, Southwest Asia (Asia Minor)3. Adventitious (introduced) to North America.


1 Делипавлов, Д. & М. Попова. 1995. В: Флора на България. Том X. София.

2 Делипавлов, Д. & М. Попова. 1995.

3 Делипавлов, Д. & М. Попова. 1995.

Linaria genistifolia на български
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