Geum bulgaricum

Bulgarian Avens

Pictures of Geum bulgaricum

Geum bulgaricum Geum bulgaricum Geum bulgaricum Geum bulgaricum Geum bulgaricum Geum bulgaricum Geum bulgaricum

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Common name

Bulgarian Avens

Scientific name

Geum bulgaricum Pančić.

Conservation status and threats

PROTECTED species in Bulgaria.

Description and identification

Herbaceous perennial plant. The stems height 25 to 60 cm, with 3-7 flowers and with glandular hairs. Terminal leaflet many times greater than others leaflets. Petals are yellow, shorter than the sepals. Flowering July-August[1].


Most often found in alpine and subalpine acidophilous (Juncetea trifidi Hadač in Klika et Hadač 1944) and calcicolous (Elyno-Seslerietea Br.-Bl.1948) grasslands and swards, as well as in the vegetation of scree habitats (Thlaspietea rotundifolii Br.-Bl. 1948), rocky crevices [Asplenietea trichomanis (Br.-Bl. in Meier et Br.-Bl.1934) Oberd. 1977], subalpine belts of krummholz pine (Roso pendulinae-Pinetea mugo Theurillat in Theurillat et al. 1995), and very localised serpentine outcrops (Pavlova 2012). Although its total altitudinal range extends between 1200 m a.s.l in the Prokletije Mountains and 2700 m a.s.l in the Rila Mountains, the ecological optimum of this species is in the subalpine and alpine vegetation belt (1800–2600 m a.s.l.)[2].


In Bulgaria, the Bulgarian Avens grows only in the Rila Mountain. Except in Bulgaria it is distributed in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia, as shown in the following map[3]:

Geum bulgaricum


[1] Стоянов, Н. & Б. Китанов. 1966. Високопланинските растения в България. Изд. "Наука и изкуство". София.

[2] Lakušić D., Tomović G., Gussev Ch., Barina Z., Siljak-Yakovlev S., Kuzmanović N., Janković I. and Vukojičić S. 2018. Distribution and variability of the Balkan endemic Geum bulgaricum (Rosaceae) - a species of European concern. In: Botanica Sebica 42 (1).

[3] Lakušić D., Tomović G., Gussev Ch., Barina Z., Siljak-Yakovlev S., Kuzmanović N., Janković I. and Vukojičić S. 2018. Distribution and variability of the Balkan endemic Geum bulgaricum (Rosaceae) - a species of European concern. In: Botanica Sebica 42 (1).

Geum bulgaricum на български

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