Long-flowered Primrose.
Primula halleri J. F. Gmel.
NOT protected species in Bulgaria.
Primula halleri is a perennial herbaceous plant, 4–24 cm high. Particularly characterised by a long corolla tube, 2-3 cm long. Leaves farinose, oblong-obovate to oblanceolate, 2-8cm long by 5-10mm broad, sometimes minutely toothed, usually green above but densely covered with a yellowish farina beneath. Flowers pale to dark lilac 1.5-2cm across with a yellow eye, in umbels of two to twelve on stout, 8-18cm long farinose stems[1]. Flowering July-October.
On the alpine meadows with deep and moist soil[2].
In the mountains Pirin and Rila, from 2250 to 2800 m altitude[3].
[1] Primula halleri - Alpine Garden Society Plant Encyclopaedia.
[2] Пеев, Д. 1982. В: Флора на Народна Република България. Том VIII, София.
[3] Пеев, Д. 1982. Пос. източник.
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