Anthericum liliago

St. Bernard's lily

Pictures of Anthericum liliago

Anthericum liliago Anthericum liliago Anthericum liliago Anthericum liliago Anthericum liliago

(Click on the pictures to see them in larger size)

Common name

St. Bernard's lily

Scientific name

Anthericum liliago L.

Conservation status and threats

NOT protected species in Bulgaria.

Description and identification

Perennial herb 30 to 60 cm high. Perianth 1,7 до 3 cm long. The stem is unbranched. Flowering season: April-June[1].

Distribution in Bulgaria

In the following floristic regions: Predbalkan, Stara planina (western and middle), Znepolski region, Western border mountains, Belasitsa, Slavyanka, Pirin, Rila, Rhodopes (western and middle)[2].


[1] Делипавлов & кол. 2003. Определител на растенията в България. Аграрен университет. Пловдив.

[2] Делипавлов & кол. 2003. Пос. източник.

Anthericum liliago на български

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