Common Walnut.
Juglans regia L.
NOT protected by the law in Bulgaria.
According to European Atlas of Forest Tree Species:1
"Although widespread in its range, the size of local populations is quite limited. Threats to genetic variability could come from felling of the best trees for the high quality timber, and from hybridisation with black walnut (Juglans nigra)."
The Common Walnut (Juglans regia L.) is a large, deciduous tree, reaching a height up to 25-35 m and exceptionally a maximum trunk diameter up to 2 m. It is long-lived: normally 100-200 years, but some specimens may reach 1 000 years old. It has a deep root system, with a substantial tap root starting from the juvenile stage. The bark is silver-grey and smooth between deep, wide fissures. The leaves are 20-45 cm long, with 5 to 9 leaflets, the ones from the apex being larger compared with those from the base of the leaf. Crushed leaves have a scent like shoe-polish. The crown diameter of the common walnut is larger in relation to its stem diameter than any other broadleaf tree species used in Europe. The fruit ripens during hot summers and is a large rounded nut of 4-5 cm and weighing up to 18 g. It may be propagated both by seeds and also vegetatively. It can hybridise and it has been found that the hybrids between common walnut and black walnut (Juglans nigra) have good vigour and form2.
Usually grown in pure stands or as individual trees, rather than within mixed woodland, it needs a warm and sheltered site and a long growing season. It also prefers deep and rich soils, with pH values of between 6 and 7. It is light-demanding, highly susceptible to competition and sensitive to winter and late spring frosts. Older trees are however able to withstand winter temperatures as low as -30 °C3.
Throughout the country up to 1300 m altitude4.
It is believed to be found in the wild in Central Asia, the Himalayan region (Northern India, Afghanistan, China), Iran, part of the Caucasus (Talish) and Asia Minor, to which many botanists also include the Balkan Peninsula5.
Walnut is very appreciated for its nuts, which are a highly nutritious food source. They are rich in oil composed of unsaturated fatty acids, proteins, vitamins and minerals. The kernels contain a wide variety of flavonoids, phenolic acids and related polyphenols, which have good antioxidant, antiatherogenic, anti-inflammatory and anti-mutagenic properties. A diet rich in walnuts is also thought to have a cardiovascular protective effect. Bark or leaf extracts are used worldwide in traditional medicine to treat a variety of conditions including fungal infections such as Candida, to inhibit the growth of bacteria responsible for dental plaques and oral hygiene problems, or to increase the insulin level in diabetic patients. The wood of the walnut is highly prized, being strong, attractive and easy to work. Good quality logs are sold for veneer and can command high prices. It is also used in agroforestry6.
1 de Rigo, D., Enescu, C. M., Houston Durrant, T., Tinner, W., Caudullo, G., 2016. Juglans regia in Europe: distribution, habitat, usage and threats. In: San-Miguel-Ayanz, J., de Rigo, D., Caudullo, G., Houston Durrant, T., Mauri, A. (Eds.), European Atlas of Forest Tree Species. Publ. Off. EU, Luxembourg, pp. e01977c+.
2 de Rigo, D., Enescu, C. M., Houston Durrant, T., Tinner, W., Caudullo, G., 2016. Juglans regia in Europe.....
3 de Rigo, D., Enescu, C. M., Houston Durrant, T., Tinner, W., Caudullo, G., 2016. Juglans regia in Europe.....
4 Делипавлов, Д., И. Чешмеджиев, М. Попова, Д. Терзийски, И. Ковачев. 2003. Определител на растенията в България. Аграрен университет. Пловдив.
5 Китанов, Б. 1986. Културните растения в България, издателство "Наука и изкуство", София.
6 de Rigo, D., Enescu, C. M., Houston Durrant, T., Tinner, W., Caudullo, G., 2016. Juglans regia in Europe.....
The theory of evolution is a lie!