Hypericum maculatum

Imperforate St John's-Wort

Pictures of Hypericum maculatum

Hypericum maculatum Hypericum maculatum Hypericum maculatum Hypericum maculatum Hypericum maculatum

(Click on the pictures to see them in larger size)

Common name

Imperforate St John's-Wort

Scientific name

Hypericum maculatum Grantz.

Conservation status and threats

NOT protected by the law in Bulgaria.

Description and identification

Perennial herbaceous plant. Stems four-edged, 20 to 60 cm high. Sepals 3-4 mm long, 3-4 times shorter than petals, equal to each other, broadly ovate or broadly elliptical, obtuse or shortly pointed, edge entire. Flowering June-August.[1]


Forest meadows, bushes, peatlands, meadows and in damp and shady places.[2]

Dstribution in Bulgaria

Up to 2200 meters above sea level[3].


[1] Стоянов Н. и Б. Китанов. 1966. Високопланинските растения в България, София.

[2] Стоянов Н. и Б. Китанов. 1966. Високопланинските растения в България, София.

[3] Стоянов Н. и Б. Китанов. 1966. Пос. източник.

Hypericum maculatum на български

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