Rabbit-foot Clover
Trifolium arvense L.
NOT protected species in Bulgaria.
Trifolium arvense is an annual herbaceous plant, 5-20 (30) cm high. Petals white or pink. Flowering May-August1.
In dry open places and in sparse forests, from the lowlands to the middle mountain belt, most often as ruderal and weed2.
In the whole country up to 1300 m altutude3.
Europe (excluding the far north), Mediterranean, Western Siberia, Caucasus, Southwest Asia, North Africa. Introduced to East and Central Asia and North America4.
1 Кожухаров, Ст. 1976. Във: Флора на Народна Република България, том VI, София.
2 Кожухаров, Ст. 1976.
3 Кожухаров, Ст. 1976.
4 Кожухаров, Ст. 1976.
The theory of evolution is a lie!