Lathyrus saxatilis

Pictures of Lathyrus saxatilis

Lathyrus saxatilis Lathyrus saxatilis Lathyrus saxatilis Lathyrus saxatilis Lathyrus saxatilis Lathyrus saxatilis

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Common name


Scientific name

Lathyrus saxatilis (Vent.) Vis.

Conservation status and threats

The species is listed in the Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria to the category "Critically Endangered"[1].

Description and identification

Annual herb. Stem unbranched or branched from the base, 10–15 cm. Leaves paripinnate, with 1–3 pairs of leaflets. Flowers solitary, 5–6 mm long, pale yellow or pale bluish. Legume 1.5–3 cm long, elliptic. Seeds 3–4, elliptic, smooth. March-May. Insect pollination. Reproduction by seeds, dispersed through zoochory or barochory[2].

Distribution in Bulgaria

Valley of Mesta River (Stargach Mt above Ilinden village, Gotse Delchev district), Thracian Lowland (Besaparski hills); at 200–500 m alt[3].

General distribution

Mediterranean area, Crimea[4].


[1] Stefan Stanev. 2015. In: Peev, D. et all. (ed.) 2015. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 1. BAS & MOEW.

[2] Stefan Stanev. 2015. In: Peev, D. et all. (ed.) 2015. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 1. BAS & MOEW.

[3] Stefan Stanev. 2015. In: Peev, D. et all. (ed.) 2015. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 1. BAS & MOEW.

[4] Stefan Stanev. 2015. In: Peev, D. et all. (ed.) 2015. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 1. BAS & MOEW.

Lathyrus saxatilis на български
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