Lathyrus pancicii

Pictures of Lathyrus pancicii

Lathyrus pancicii Lathyrus pancicii Lathyrus pancicii Lathyrus pancicii Lathyrus pancicii Lathyrus pancicii Lathyrus pancicii Lathyrus pancicii

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Common name


Scientific name

Lathyrus pancicii (Jurisic) Adamovic.

Conservation status and threats

PROTECTED species in Bulgaria.

"Critically Endangered" in Ana Petrova & Vladimir Vladimirov, 2009[1] and in The Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria[2].

Description and identification

Perennial plant with slender rhizomes. Stems single or in groups, 30–90 cm, simple, shortly pubescent. Leaves pinnate, 8–12 cm long, with 3–5 pairs of linear-lanceolate leaflets, 4–7 × 5–8 mm, densely shortly grey and pubescent. Inflorescences racemose, 8–20-flowered; peduncle longer than the supporting leaf. Flowers pale yellow, 15–20 mm long. Legume 5–7 cm, hairy. Flovering July, Fr. VIII. Insect pollination. Reproduction by seeds[3].


Open, sunny, stony, limestone slopes. Member of grassy communities dominated by Sesleria latifolia and with significant diversity of other species, including low shrubs; often grows close to small woods[4].


Three populations are known with an area less than 2 km2, with a mosaic spatial structure. The species forms variably sized spots with an area of occupancy of approx. 1 ha and fewer than 500 individuals altogethe[5].

Distribution in Bulgaria

Znepole region (Ljubash Mt and Strazha Mt); 1000-1200 m alt. There are old literature data from the vicinities of Kurilo village in Western Balkan Range[6].

General distribution

Balkan Peninsula (isolated localities in NE Serbia (extinct) and NW Bulgaria)[7].


[1] Ana Petrova & Vladimir Vladimirov. 2009. Red List of Bulgarian vascular plants – Phytol. Balcan., 15(1): 63-94.

[2] Antoaneta Petrova. 2015. In: Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria.

[3] Antoaneta Petrova. 2015. In: Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria.

[4] Antoaneta Petrova. 2015. In: Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria.

[5] Antoaneta Petrova. 2015. In: Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria.

[6] Antoaneta Petrova. 2015. In: Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria.

[7] Antoaneta Petrova. 2015. In: Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria.

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