Astragalus glaucus

Pictures of Astragalus glaucus

Astragalus glaucus Astragalus glaucus Astragalus glaucus Astragalus glaucus Astragalus glaucus Astragalus glaucus Astragalus glaucus

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Common name


Scientific name

Astragalus glaucus M. Bieb.

Conservation status and threats

NOT PROTECTED species in Bulgaria.

The species is listed in the Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria to the category "Endangered". Fragmentation and loss of habitat as a result of tourist development; grazing and trampling by domestic animals; erosion processes near Balchik; restricted distribution [Stoyan Stoyanov, 2015 in: Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria].

Description and identification

Semi-shrub up to 30 cm high, annual branches 15–20 cm long. Leaves imparipinnate, with 3–6 pairs of elliptical leaflets, appressed hairy. Raceme dense, with 10–20 flowers. Peduncles erect or procumbent, twice as long as the leaves, densely appressed hairy. Calyx pubescent, corolla glabrous, whitish to cream yellow. Legume 10–15 mm long, with long bristles. Fl. IV–V, fr. V–VII. Reproduction by seeds and vegetative means [Stoyan Stoyanov, 2015 in: Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria].


Occurs on shallow soil or on marl (near Balchik) in open xerophytic herbaceous communities. The populations in the locality Balchishka Tuzla amounts up to 3000 individuals. At Bolata bay and Durankulak lake the populations consist of less than hundred individuals [Stoyanov, 2015].

Distribution in Bulgaria

Black Sea Coast (Northern – Pobiti Kamani locality, along the shore line from Balchik to Balgarevo village, around Durankulashko Lake), Danubian Plain (Tranchovitsa village, Pleven region); 0–200 m alt. The species is reported in literature for NE Bulgaria and Balkan Range (eastern) [Stoyanov, 2015].

Astragalus glaucus на български

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