Knautia midzorensis Formánek.
NOT protected species in Bulgaria.
Herbaceous perennial plant. Stems 30-100 cm high. Flower heads 3-5 см across. Leaves are entire. Flowering July - September1.
On grassy and stony places, mountain meadows2 and along forest roads3.
In the following floristic regions: Western and Middle Rhodopes, Western and Central Stara Planina, Rila, Pirin, Vitosha, Western Border Mountains; Znepol region, Western Predbalkan; from 1100 to 2900 meters altitude4.
Balkan endemic - grows only in the countries of the Balkan Peninsula: Bulgaria, Albania, Greece, Serbia, Northern Macedonia5.
1 Vladimir Vladimirov. 2006. Photo guide of the higher plants of the Rhodopes. Ecological organization "Rhodope" (In Bulgarian).
2 Петрова, А. 2012. Във: Флора на Република България, том XI, София.
3 K. Metodiev.
4 Петрова, А. 2012.
5 Петрова, А. 2012.