Galilea mucronata

Capitate Galingale

Pictures of Galilea mucronata

Galilea mucronata Galilea mucronata Galilea mucronata Galilea mucronata

(Click on the pictures to see them in larger size)

Common names

Capitate Galingale.

Scientific name

Galilea mucronata (L.) Parl.

Conservation status and threats

NOT protected species in Bulgaria.

The species is listed in the Red Data Book of Bulgaria to the category "Endangered"1.

Description and identification

Galilea mucronata is an perennial herb, rhizome creeping, with broad scales. Stem 20–50 cm high, triangular or nearly rounded, solitary. Leaves without ligules, basal revolute, sheaths bulbous. Bracteoles 3, with different length, longer than inflorescence, strongly enlarged at base. Inflorescence a dense, sessile, hemispherical to globose head. Spiklets in two rows, flowers numerous; glumes broadly lanceolate or ovate, obtuse but with a rigid mucro, reddish or purplish, the lowest sterile. Fruit trihedral nutlet, with persistent stigmas at the apex. Flowering May-September1.


Shady, humid forests2.

Distribution in Bulgaria

It grows in the following floristic regions: Predbalkan, Stara Planina, Znepol region, Vitosha region, Western border mountains, Rila, Belasitsa, Western and Middle Rhodopes; from 400 to 1500 m altitude3.


1 Dimitar Peev & Sonya Tsoneva. 2015. In: Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria. Volume 1 - Plants & Fungi.

2 Dimitar Peev & Sonya Tsoneva. 2015.

3 Dimitar Peev & Sonya Tsoneva. 2015.

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