Chenopodium botrys

Jerusalem oak Goosefoot

Pictures of Chenopodium botrys

Chenopodium botrys Chenopodium botrys Chenopodium botrys Chenopodium botrys Chenopodium botrys

(Click on the pictures to see them in larger size)

Common name

Jerusalem oak Goosefoot, Marsh Ragwort

Scientific name

Chenopodium botrys L.

Conservation status and threats

NOT protected by the law in Bulgaria.

Description and identification

Chenopodium botrys is a annual herb. Flowering stems 15-70 cm high. Flowering July-October1.


On stony and sandy places, most often by rivers, as weeds in fields2.

Dstribution in Bulgaria

Throughout the country from sea level to 850 m altitude3.

General dstribution

Western, Central and Eastern Europe, the Mediterranean, Central Asia, the Japan-China region, Africa, North America4.


1 Маркова, М. 1966. Флора на Народна Република България, том III, издателство на БАН, София.

2 Маркова, М. 1966. Пос. източник.

3 Маркова, М. 1966. Пос. източник.

4 Маркова, М. 1966. Пос. източник.

Chenopodium botrys на български

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