Silene armeria

Sweet William Catchfly

Pictures of Silene armeria

Silene armeria Silene armeria Silene armeria Silene armeria Silene armeria Silene armeria Silene armeria

(Click on the pictures to see them in larger size)

Common name

Sweet William Catchfly

Scientific name

Silene armeria L.

Conservation status and threats

NOT protected species in Bulgaria.

Description and identification

Annual or biennial herb 10 to 50 cm high. Stems erect, glabrous, greyish, usually unbranched, sticky at the top. Basal leaves spatulate; stem leaves ovoid-heart-shaped to lanceolate. Inflorescence usually thyroid. Flowers with petiole. Calyx 12-15 mm long, with 10 veins, cylindrical. Stems 3. The fruit equal to or slightly longer than the carpophore[1].

Distribution in Bulgaria

Throughout the country, from 300 to 1500 meters above sea level[2].


[1] Владимир Владимиров. 2006. Фото-определител на висшите растения в Родопите. Екологична организация - Родопи.

[2] Владимир Владимиров. 2006. Пос. източник.

Silene armeria на български

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