Dianthus petraeus

Rock Pink

Pictures of Dianthus petraeus

Dianthus petraeus Dianthus petraeus Dianthus petraeus

(Click on the pictures to see them in larger size)

Common name

Rock Pink

Scientific name

Dianthus petraeus Waldst. et Kit.

Conservation status and threats

NOT protected species in Bulgaria.

Description and identification

Rock Pink is a perennial, tufted herbaceous plant, to 30 cm tall. Leaves are linear or needle-like, to 1-2 cm long. Calyx narrowly cylindrical, (12) 20 - 32 mm long, (2) 3 - 4 mm wide. Petals white. Flowering May-September[1].


On the rocks and mountain stony meadows[2].

Distribution in Bulgaria

In the floristic regions: Stara Planina, Znepole region, Belasitsa, Slavyanka, Pirin, Rila, Rhodopes, to 2000[3] (2130[4]) meters alt.


[1] Стоянов, Н. 1966. В: Флора на Народна Република България, том ІІІ, София.

[2] Стоянов, Н. 1966. Пос. източник.

[3] Делипавлов & кол., 2003. Определител на растенията в България. Аграрен университет. Пловдив.

[4] K. Metodiev - observation from 9 July 2020 in Pirin National Park .

Dianthus petraeus на български

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