Campanula cochlearifolia

Pictures of Campanula cochlearifolia

Campanula cochlearifolia Campanula cochlearifolia Campanula cochlearifolia Campanula cochlearifolia Campanula cochlearifolia Campanula cochlearifolia

(Click on the pictures to see them in larger size)

Common name

Fairy's Thimble

Scientific name

Campanula cochlearifolia Lam.

Conservation status and threats

NOT protected species in Bulgaria.

The species is listed in the Red Data Book of Bulgaria to the category "Endangered"1.

Description and identification

Campanula cochlearifolia is a caespitose perennial. Stems 3–25 cm tall, ascending or erect. Leaves irregularly incise-serrate, basal ovate to rounded, long petiolate; cauline subsessile. Flowers 1–3, terminal; flower buds pending; corolla campanulate, blue, rarely white. Capsule coriaceous with many dark brown seeds. Flowering July-August, fr. VIII–X. Insect pollinated. Reproduces by seeds and rhizomatous shoots1.

Distribution in Bulgaria

Pirin Mts (northern – Vihren and Sinanitsa peaks, Bayuvi Doupki cirque); between 1800 and 2900 meters above sea level2.


Grows in rocky limestone places (rock crevices and terraces) on shallow, poorly developed soils, from the coniferous forests belt to the alpine belt, in communities of Festuca dalmatica, Paronychia kapela, Saxifraga oppositifolia, Globularia cordifolia, Leontopodium alpinum, etc. Forms fragmented populations; subpopulations are relatively isolated from each other4.


1 Valentina Goranova & Mincho Anchev. 2015. In: Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria. Volume 1 - Plants & Fungi.

2 Valentina Goranova & Mincho Anchev. 2015.

3 Valentina Goranova & Mincho Anchev. 2015.

4 Valentina Goranova & Mincho Anchev. 2015.

Campanula cochlearifolia на български
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