Matthiola odoratissima

Pictures of Matthiola odoratissima

Matthiola odoratissima Matthiola odoratissima Matthiola odoratissima Matthiola odoratissima Matthiola odoratissima Matthiola odoratissima Matthiola odoratissima Matthiola odoratissima Matthiola odoratissima

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Common name


Scientific name

Matthiola odoratissima (M. Bieb.) R. Br.

Conservation status and threats

PROTECTED species in Bulgaria.

The species is listed in the Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria to the category "Critically Endangered"[1].

Description and identification

Perennial plant or semi-shrub. Stems 15–50 cm, branched, grey white tomentose. Leaves 2–8 cm long, oblong, lyrate or pinnatissect, densely grew-white tomentose on both sides. Inflorescences 10–18 cm long, 20–30-flowered. Flowers with 4 densely pubescent sepals and 4 yellowish, yellow reddish or yellow brown petals. Fruit a compressed siliqua, 8–15 cm long. Flowering April-May, fr. VIII–IX. Insect pollination. Reproduction by seeds[2].

Distribution in Bulgaria

Black Sea coast (northern – between Balchik town and Zelenka locality near Kaliakra cape); up to 50 m alt[3].


[1] Antoaneta Petrova, 2015 in: Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria. Volume 1 - Plants & Fungi.

[2] Antoaneta Petrova, 2015.

[3] Antoaneta Petrova, 2015.

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