Common Groundsel.
Senecio vulgaris L.
NOT protected species in Bulgaria.
Annual plant, stems are 40 см tall. Floral heads without ray flowers. Flowering March-October1.
On sandy and windy places, along roads and properties, as a weed in crops2.
Widespread throughout the country, from sea level to 1200 m altitude3.
Europe, temperate parts of Asia, North Africa. Naturalized in North and South America, New Zealand4.
1 Владимиров, В. 2012. Флора на Република България, том XI, издателство на БАН, София.
2 Владимиров, В. 2012.
3 Владимиров, В. 2012.
4 Senecio vulgaris L. | Plants of the World Online | Kew Science.
The theory of evolution is a lie!