Senecio erucifolius

Hoary Ragwort

Pictures of Senecio erucifolius

Senecio erucifolius Senecio erucifolius Senecio erucifolius Senecio erucifolius Senecio erucifolius Senecio erucifolius Senecio erucifolius

(Click on the pictures to see them in larger size)

Common name

Hoary Ragwort

Scientific name

Senecio erucifolius L. aloso as Jacobaea erucifolia.

Conservation status and threats

NOT protected species in Bulgaria.

Description and identification

Perennial herb, 50 to 100 cm tall. The leaves are lobate. The flowering flower heads 2-2.5 cm in diameter. The fruits are with hairs. Blooms July-September[1].

Distribution in Bulgaria

Throughout the country from 200 to 2900 meters above sea level[3].


[1] Делипавлов & кол., 2003. Определител на растенията в България. Аграрен университет. Пловдив.

[2] Делипавлов & кол., 2003. Пос. източник.

[3] Assyov, B., A. Petrova, D. Dimitrov & R. Vassilev. 2012. Conspectus of the vascular flora of Bulgaria. Sofia, Bulgarian biodiversity foundation.

Senecio erucifolius на български

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