Doronicum orientale

Leopard's Bane

Pictures of Doronicum orientale

Doronicum orientale Doronicum orientale Doronicum orientale Doronicum orientale Doronicum orientale Doronicum orientale Doronicum orientale Doronicum orientale Doronicum orientale Doronicum orientale Doronicum orientale

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Common names

Leopard's Bane

Scientific name

Doronicum orientale Hoffm.

Conservation status and threats

NOT protected species in Bulgaria.

Description and identification

Herbaceous perennial plant. Stems upright, 30-50 cm long. Floral heads 3-5 cm in diameter, by one on the stem. With long white hairs on the base of basal leaf stalk. Flowering April-May [1].

Distribution in Bulgaria

North-Eastern Bulgaria, The Predbalkan, The Black Sea coast, The Struma Valley, The Rila, The Rhodopes, The Tundzha Hilly Plane and Thracian Plane; between 0 and 800 meters altitude[2].

General distribution

Native in South-East Europe, Eastern Mediterranean and Asia Minor[3].


[1] Kuzmanov, B. 2012. In: Flora of Republic Bulgaria, vol XI. Sofia (In Bulgarian).

[2] Kuzmanov, B. 2012. In: Flora of Republic Bulgaria, vol XI. Sofia (In Bulgarian).

[3] Kuzmanov, B. 2012. In: Flora of Republic Bulgaria, vol XI. Sofia (In Bulgarian).

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