Achillea clypeolata

Pictures of Achillea clypeolata

Achillea clypeolata Achillea clypeolata Achillea clypeolata Achillea clypeolata Achillea clypeolata Achillea clypeolata Achillea clypeolata Achillea clypeolata

(Click on the pictures to see them in larger size)

Common name


Scientific name

Achillea clypeolata Sibth. & Sm.

Conservation status and threats

Not protected species in Bulgaria.

Description and identification

Perennial herbaceous plant. Height up to 0,6 m. Flowering May - September [Delipavlov et al., 2003].

Distribution in Bulgaria

In the all floristic regions. Between 0 and 1800 m above see level [Delipavlov et al., 2003].

General distribution

Balkan endemic [Delipavlov et al., 2003].

Achillea clypeolata на български

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