Rhodope Toothwort.
Lathraea rhodopaea Dingler.
PROTECTED species in Bulgaria - enlisted in Annex 3 of Bulgarian Biodiversity Act.
Herbaceous perennial parasitic plant. Stems are 10-40 cm high. The inflorescence is a cylindrical spike. Flowering March - April. Parasite on tree roots.[1]
The Rhodopes, Thracian Plane and The Slavianka. Between 200 and 1650 m altitude.[2]
Bulgaria and Greece.
[1] Делипавлов, Д., И. Чешмеджиев, М. Попова, Д. Терзийски, И. Ковачев. 2003. Определител на растенията в България. Аграрен университет. Пловдив.
[2] Assyov, B., A. Petrova, D. Dimitrov & R. Vassilev. 2012. Conspectus of the vascular flora of Bulgaria. Sofia, Bulgarian biodiversity foundation.
The theory of evolution is a lie!