Lathraea rhodopaea

Rhodope Toothwort

Pictures of Lathraea rhodopaea

Lathraea rhodopaea Lathraea rhodopaea Lathraea rhodopaea Lathraea rhodopaea

(Click on the pictures to see them in larger size)

Common name

Rhodope Toothwort.

Scientific name

Lathraea rhodopaea Dingler.

Conservation status and threats

PROTECTED species in Bulgaria - enlisted in Annex 3 of Bulgarian Biodiversity Act.

Description and identification

Herbaceous perennial parasitic plant. Stems are 10-40 cm high. The inflorescence is a cylindrical spike. Flowering March - April. Parasite on tree roots.[1]

Distribution in Bulgaria

The Rhodopes, Thracian Plane and The Slavianka. Between 200 and 1650 m altitude.[2]

General distribution

Bulgaria and Greece.


[1] Делипавлов, Д., И. Чешмеджиев, М. Попова, Д. Терзийски, И. Ковачев. 2003. Определител на растенията в България. Аграрен университет. Пловдив.

[2] Assyov, B., A. Petrova, D. Dimitrov & R. Vassilev. 2012. Conspectus of the vascular flora of Bulgaria. Sofia, Bulgarian biodiversity foundation.

Lathraea rhodopaea на български

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