Salix rosmarinifolia

Rosemary Leaved Willow

Pictures of Salix rosmarinifolia

Salix rosmarinifolia Salix rosmarinifolia Salix rosmarinifolia

(Click on the pictures to see them in larger size)

Common name

Rosemary Leaved Willow

Scientific name

Salix rosmarinifolia L.

Conservation status and threats

PROTECTED species in Bulgaria.

The species is listed in the Red Data Book of Bulgaria to the category "Critically Endangered"1.

Description and identification

Shrub, 1–2 m high. Stems creeping, branched. Leaves up to 10 times as long as wide, glabrous above, sericeous beneath. Catkins lateral, short stalked; bracts obovate, sericeous. Male catkins up to 1.5 cm, female up to 3.5 cm long. Stamens 2, free, almost 3 times as long as bracts. Female flowers with 1 nectary. Flowering April-May, fr. V–VI. Propagation by vegetative means and seeds. Reproduction potential is very limited1, 2.


Grows in wet meadows, swamps and bogs. Moisture of the habitat varies throughout the year. The substrate has acid reaction (pH 5.6). The population consists of a few thousand shrubs, 30–40 cm high due to the regular mowing. The total area of the locality is several dozens hectares3.

Distribution in Bulgaria

Sofia region (meadows at the borders of the land belonging to Tsruklevtsi, Ponor and Buchin Prohod villages), Znepole region (Choklyovo Blato); 800 m alt3.

General distribution

Europe (Scandinavian Peninsula, C and E Europe4.


1 Iva Apostolova, Sonya Tsoneva. 2015. In: Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria. Volume 1 - Plants & Fungi.

2 Iva Apostolova, Sonya Tsoneva, 2015.

3 Iva Apostolova, Sonya Tsoneva, 2015.

4 Iva Apostolova, Sonya Tsoneva, 2015.

Salix rosmarinifolia на български

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