Blue Woodruff.
Asperula arvensis L.
NOT protected species in Bulgaria.
Asperula arvensis is an annual herbaceous plant grows to 10–40 cm. Inflorescence is a compound head. Flowering May-July1.
In grassy places along roads, in arable land, as weeds in cereals, vines, forest meadows, in the lowlands and mountains 2.
Across the country from 0 to 1000 meters altitude3.
1 Анчев М. 1989. В: Флора на Република България, том IX, академично издателство "Проф. Марин Дринов", София.
2 Анчев М. 1989. Пос. източник.
3 Анчев М. 1989. Пос. източник.
The theory of evolution is a lie!