Geum reptans

Creeping Avens

Pictures of Geum reptans

Geum reptans Geum reptans Geum reptans Geum reptans Geum reptans Geum reptans Geum reptans

(Click on the pictures to see them in larger size)

Common name

Creeping Avens

Scientific name

Geum reptans L.

Conservation status and threats

NOT protected species in Bulgaria.

Description and identification

Geum reptans is a perennial herbs. Stem 3–15(–20) cm tall, erect, glabrous or hairy, forms creeping runners. The flowers are yellow, single, apical, erect, 3-4 cm in diameter. Blooms July-August[1].


Rock screes, stony meadows and rock crevices in the alpine zone[2].

Distribution in Bulgaria

In the Pirin and Rila mountains, from 2300 to 2900 meters above sea level[3].

General distribution

Central and Southeastern Europe (Alps, Carpathians, Tatras, Mountains of Northern Albania and Montenegro)[4].


[1] Асенов Ив. 1973. Флора на Народна Република България, том V, Издателство на БАН, София.

[2] Асенов Ив. 1973. Пос. източник.

[3] Асенов Ив. 1973. Пос. източник.

[4] Асенов Ив. 1973. Пос. източник.

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