Potamogeton natans

Floating Pondweed

Pictures of Potamogeton natans

Potamogeton natans Potamogeton natans Potamogeton natans Potamogeton natans Potamogeton natans Potamogeton natans Potamogeton natans Potamogeton natans Potamogeton natans Potamogeton natans Potamogeton natans Potamogeton natans

(Click on the pictures to see them in larger size)

Common names

Floating Pondweed.

Scientific name

Potamogeton natans L.

Conservation status and threats

NOT protected species in Bulgaria.

Description and identification

Perennial herbaceous plant is a perennial aquatic plant with submerged and floating leaves. Floating leaves are oval-elliptic to ovate, up to 12 cm long and up to 5.5 cm wide, mostly heart-shaped at the base. Flowering May-August1.


Swamps, slow-flowing and stagnant waters, overflows of rivers, lakes2.

Distribution in Bulgaria

Throughout the country from sea level to 1500 meters altitude3.

General distribution

Widespread in the temperate and subtropical zones of the entire globe; rare in the tropics4.


1 Йорданов Д. 1963. Във: Флора на Република България, том I, София.

2 Йорданов Д. 1963.

3 Assyov, B., A. Petrova, D. Dimitrov & R. Vassilev. 2012. Conspectus of the vascular flora of Bulgaria. Sofia, Bulgarian biodiversity foundation.

4 Йорданов Д. 1963.

Potamogeton natans на български

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