Hypecoum ponticum

Pictures of Hypecoum ponticum

Hypecoum ponticum Hypecoum ponticum Hypecoum ponticum Hypecoum ponticum Hypecoum ponticum Hypecoum ponticum Hypecoum ponticum Hypecoum ponticum Hypecoum ponticum

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Common name


Scientific name

Hypecoum ponticum Velen.

Conservation status and threats

NOT protected species in Bulgaria. Endangered in Red Data Book of Bulgaria1.

Description and identification

Annual plant. Stems 10–30 cm high, spreading or ascending, glaucous (as the leaves), waxy. Leaves 2–3-pinnatisect, basal leaves in a rosette. Flowers pale yellow, terminal, solitary or in lax few-flowered inflorescences. Sepals 2, ovoid, dropping off. Petals 4, the outer two elliptical-rhomboid, 8–9 mm long, the inner shorter, cuneate at base, blade tri-lobed, the middle lobe twice as long as the lateral. Fruit is a segmented curved capsule, 4–5 cm long. Fl. VII–IX, fr. VIII–XI. Insect pollination. Reproduction by seeds2.

Distribution in Bulgaria

Black Sea coast, valley of Struma River, Rila Mts (Samokov plain); up to 1000 m alt3.

General distribution

Balkan Peninsula (Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey)4.


[1] Antoaneta Petrova. 2015. In: Red Data Book of Bulgaria.

[2] Antoaneta Petrova. 2015. In: Red Data Book of Bulgaria.

[3] Antoaneta Petrova. 2015. In: Red Data Book of Bulgaria.

[4] Antoaneta Petrova. 2015. In: Red Data Book of Bulgaria.

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