Scilla bifolia

Alpine Squill

Pictures of Scilla bifolia

Scilla bifolia Scilla bifolia Scilla bifolia Scilla bifolia

(Click on the pictures to see them in larger size)

Common name

Alpine Squill.

Scientific name

Scilla bifolia L.

Conservation status and threats

NOT protected species in Bulgaria.

Description and identification

Alpine Squill is a beautiful and tender herbaceous perennial plant. The bulb to 3 cm across. In the spring from it grow two leaves and a flowering stem. The leaves are arranged in the base of the stem. The stem is 10 to 25 cm long. On top of the stem is located a loose inflorescence comprising 2 to 10 flowers. The flowers are composed of 6 blue, outspread, long 6 to 12 mm perianth petals. Sometimes the perianth petals are white. It flowering in spring - from February-March to April.

Alpine Squill differs from the other two species growing in Bulgaria in the following:

Translated by Dafinka Metodieva.

Distribution in Bulgaria

Throughout the country.

Scilla bifolia на български

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