Nepeta nuda

Hairless catmint

Pictures of Nepeta nuda

Nepeta nuda Nepeta nuda Nepeta nuda Nepeta nuda Nepeta nuda Nepeta nuda Nepeta nuda

(Click on the pictures to see them in larger size)

Common names

Hairless catmint.

Scientific name

Nepeta nuda L.

Conservation status and threats

NOT protected species in Bulgaria.

Description and identification

Nepeta nuda is a perennial herbaceous plant. Stems 50-120 cm high, erect, strongly branched at the top. Leaves sessile or lower shortly petiolate, ovate, oblong-ovate to lanceolate, 2-5 (-8) cm long and 1-3.5 cm broad, margin bluntly toothed, base more or less cordate or truncate, above dark green, glabrous. Blooms June-July1.


Shrubs and on stony places in forest glades and meadows, along roads and fences2.

Distribution in Bulgaria

Throughout the country, mainly in the foothills and mountains up to 1800 m altitude3.

General distribution

Southern, Eastern and Central Europe, Southwest Asia, Siberia4.

Map of general distribution5:

Nepeta nuda


1 Асенов, Ив. 1989. Флора на Народна Република България, том IX, издателство на БАН, София.

2 Асенов, Ив. 1989. Флора на Народна Република България, том IX, издателство на БАН, София.

3 Асенов, Ив. 1989. Флора на Народна Република България, том IX, издателство на БАН, София.

4 Nepeta nuda L. | Plants of the World Online | Kew Science.

5 Nepeta nuda L. | Plants of the World Online | Kew Science.

Nepeta nuda на български

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