Marrubium friwaldskyanum

Pictures of Marrubium friwaldskyanum

Marrubium friwaldskyanum Marrubium friwaldskyanum Marrubium friwaldskyanum Marrubium friwaldskyanum Marrubium friwaldskyanum Marrubium friwaldskyanum Marrubium friwaldskyanum

(Click on the pictures to see them in larger size)

Common name


Scientific name

Marrubium friwaldskyanum Boiss.

Conservation status and threats

NOT protected species in Bulgaria.

The species is listed in the Red Data Book of Bulgaria to the category "Vulnerable"[1].

Description and identification

Perennial. Stem 20–60 cm, densely tomentose at base. Leaves shortly petiolate, 1.2–5.5 cm long, 0.7–3.4 cm wide, round or elliptical, regularly dentate. Flowers yellow to creamy yellow, in multiflowered verticillasters. Corolla tube 6–9 mm long. Nutlets 1.2–1.8 mm long, elliptical, 3-ribbed, glabrous. Fl. V–VI, fr. VII–VIII. Reproduction by seeds[2].

Distribution in Bulgaria

Rhodopi Mts (Western, Central), Thracian Lowland; 400–1500 m alt[3].

General distribution



[1] Tenyo Meshinev. 2015. In: Peev, D. et all. (ed.) 2015. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 1. BAS & MOEW.

[2] Tenyo Meshinev. 2015. In: Peev, D. et all. (ed.) 2015. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 1. BAS & MOEW.

[3] Tenyo Meshinev. 2015. In: Peev, D. et all. (ed.) 2015. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 1. BAS & MOEW.

[4] Tenyo Meshinev. 2015. In: Peev, D. et all. (ed.) 2015. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 1. BAS & MOEW.

Marrubium friwaldskyanum на български

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