Geranium tuberosum

Bulbous Crane's-Bill

Pictures of Geranium tuberosum

Geranium tuberosum Geranium tuberosum Geranium tuberosum Geranium tuberosum Geranium tuberosum

(Click on the pictures to see them in larger size)

Common name

Bulbous Crane's-Bill.

Scientific name

Geranium tuberosum L.

Conservation status and threats

NOT protected species in Bulgaria.

Description and identification

Herbaceous perennial plant with tubers. The stem is high 15 to 30 cm. Flowering April - May[1].

Distribution in Bulgaria

In the next floristic regions: The Black Sea coast (south), Znepole Region, The Rhodopes (east), Thracian Plane, The Tundzha Hilly Plane, The Danubian Plain, The Slavianka and The Pirin[2].

General distribution

South Europe, North Africa and SW Asia[3].


[1] Делипавлов & кол., 2003. Определител на растенията в България. Аграрен университет. Пловдив.

[2] Делипавлов & кол., 2003. Пос. източник.

[3] Петрова, А. & С. Кожухаров, 1979. В: Флора на Н. Р. България. Том VІІ.

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