Trifolium trichopterum

Pictures of Trifolium trichopterum

Trifolium trichopterum Trifolium trichopterum Trifolium trichopterum Trifolium trichopterum Trifolium trichopterum Trifolium trichopterum Trifolium trichopterum Trifolium trichopterum

(Click on the pictures to see them in larger size)

Common name


Scientific name

Trifolium trichopterum Pančić.

Conservation status and threats

Not protected species in Bulgaria.

Description and identification

Annual herbaceous plant that reaches a height of 15-30 (40) cm. Flower heads 12-20 (30) mm long1.


In dry, sunny and stony places, less often in open forest and bush communities, in the plains, foothills and mountains2.

Distribution in Bulgaria

Western Stara Planina, Sofia region, Vitosha region, Znepol region, Western border mountains, Strumska valley, Slavyanka, Mesta river valley (Gotse Delchev), Pirin, Rila, Sredna gora, Rhodopes, Thracian lowland, Strandzha; to 1600 m altitude3.

General distribution

Bulgaria, Albania, Greece, the countries of the former Yugoslavia. Balkan endemic 4.


1 Кожухаров, Ст. 1976. В: Флора на Народна Република България, том VI, Издателство на БАН, София.

2 Кожухаров, Ст. 1976. Пос. източник.

3 Кожухаров, Ст. 1976. Пос. източник..

4 Кожухаров, Ст. 1976. Пос. източник..

Trifolium trichopterum на български

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