Trifolium hirtum

Rose Clover

Pictures of Trifolium hirtum (Rose Clover)

Trifolium hirtum Trifolium hirtum Trifolium hirtum Trifolium hirtum Trifolium hirtum Trifolium hirtum Trifolium hirtum Trifolium hirtum Trifolium hirtum Trifolium hirtum

(Click on the pictures to see them in larger size)

Common name

Rose Clover.

Scientific name

Trifolium hirtum All.

Conservation status and threats

NOT protected species in Bulgaria.

Description and identification

Trifolium hirtum is an annual plant 10 to 25 cm tall. Flowers in flower heads sessile, without bracts at base. Flower heads globose, 15-20 (25) mm long, lax, sessile or decumbent, enveloped by the large, ovate to round bracts. Leaflets obovate or cordate. Calyx with 20 veins. Corollas pink, longer than the calyx. Flowering April-June1, 2.


Dry sunny places in the lowlands and the lower mountain belt3.

Distribution in Bulgaria

In the following floristic regions: Black Sea Coast, Northeast Bulgaria, Pre-Balkan, Eastern and Western (eastern part) Stara Planina, Sofia District, Znepol District, Vitosha District (Vitosha), Western Border Mountains (Osogovska Planina), Strumska Dolina, Belasitsa, Slavyanka, Mesta River Valley, Pirin (Southern), Rila (Western), Sredna Gora, Rhodopes, Thracian Lowland, Tundzhan hilly plain, Strandzha; up to 1000 meters altitude4.

Native general distribution

Native distribution includes Southern Europe, Mediterranean, North Africa, Southwest Asia (Asia Minor)5.


1 Кожухаров, Ст. 1976. В: Флора на Народна Република България, том VI, Издателство на БАН, София.

2 Китанов, Б. & И. Пенев. 1963. Флора на Витоша. Изд. "Наука и изкуство". София.

3 Кожухаров, Ст. 1976. Пос. източник.

4 Кожухаров, Ст. 1976. Пос. източник.

5 Кожухаров, Ст. 1976. Пос. източник.

Trifolium hirtum на български
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