Lathyrus venetus

Pictures of Lathyrus venetus

 Lathyrus venetus  Lathyrus venetus  Lathyrus venetus  Lathyrus venetus  Lathyrus venetus  Lathyrus venetus

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Common name


Scientific name

Lathyrus venetus (Mill.) Wohlf.

Conservation status and threats

NOT protected species in Bulgaria.

Description and identification

Herbaceous perennial plant. The stems are 20 to 40 cm high. Flowering May - June[1].

Distribution in Bulgaria

Almost all over the country with the exception of the Strandja and Mesta Valley floristic regions[2].


[1] Китанов, Б. & И. Пенев. 1963. Флора на Витоша. Изд. "Наука и изкуство". София.

[2] Assyov, B., A. Petrova, D. Dimitrov & R. Vassilev. 2012. Conspectus of the vascular flora of Bulgaria. Sofia, Bulgarian biodiversity foundation.

Lathyrus venetus на български
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