Astragalus sesameus

Purple Milk-vetch

Pictures of Astragalus sesameus

Astragalus sesameus Astragalus sesameus Astragalus sesameus Astragalus sesameus Astragalus sesameus Astragalus sesameus Astragalus sesameus Astragalus sesameus Astragalus sesameus

(Click on the pictures to see them in larger size)

Common name

Purple Milk-vetch

Scientific name

Astragalus sesameus L.

Conservation status and threats

NOT protected species in Bulgaria.

The species is listed in the Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria to the category "Endangered"[1].

Description and identification

Herbaceous annual plant. Stems procumbent, with appressed white hairs. Leaves 2–8 cm long, imparipinnate, with 8–10 pairs of leaflets. Inflorescence a globose raceme, subsessile, 5–10-flowered; flowers 9–11 mm long. Corolla bluish. Legume 10–15 mm long, densely hairy. Seeds reniform, pale brown. Flowering April-May[2].

Distribution in Bulgaria

Valley of Struma River (Southern – Chuchuligovo and Kulata villages), Pirin Mts (Southern – Kalimantsi village), Thracian Lowland (Kapitan Dimitrievo village); up to 350 m alt[3].


[1] Desislava Sopotlieva. 2015. In: Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria. Volume 1 - Plants & Fungi.

[2] Desislava Sopotlieva. 2015.

[3] Desislava Sopotlieva. 2015.

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