Calystegia soldanella

Beach morning glory

Pictures of Calystegia soldanella

Calystegia soldanella Calystegia soldanella Calystegia soldanella Calystegia soldanella Calystegia soldanella Calystegia soldanella Calystegia soldanella Calystegia soldanella Calystegia soldanella Calystegia soldanella Calystegia soldanella

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Common names

Beach morning glory.

Scientific name

Calystegia soldanella (L.) R. Br.

Conservation status and threats

PROTECTED species in Bulgaria.

The species is listed in the Red Data Book of Bulgaria to the category "Endangered"1.

Description and identification

Perennial herbaceous plant. Rhizome long, with underground branches. Stem procumbent, slender, up to 50 (100) cm long, glabrous. Leaves reniform, 1.5 – 2.5 × 1 – 3.5 cm, somewhat fleshy, glabrous, very broadly obtuse or emarginate at apex; with a 2 – 7 cm long petiole. Flowers axillary, with 2 – 5 cm long peduncles. Bracteoles ovate, only partly overlapping, sometimes tending to invest the calyx. Corolla 3.5 – 5.2 cm long, infundibuliform, pink to pinkish violet. Fruit a spherical capsule, 1.5 – 2 cm in diameter, glabrous. Flowering May-July2.


Occurs on maritime sands. Takes part in psammophytic vegetation. Populations are strongly fragmented usually with a small number of individuals in each subpopulation. Plants grow in smaller or larger groups3.

Distribution in Bulgaria

Black Sea coast (Ahtopol, Tsarevo, Primorsko, Sozopol, Bourgas, Pomorie, Nesebur settlements, mouth of Kamchiya River, and extending northwards to Galata suburb of Varna town); at sea level4.


1 Vladimir Vladimirov. 2015. In: Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria. Volume 1 - Plants & Fungi.

2 Vladimir Vladimirov, 2015.

3 Vladimir Vladimirov, 2015.

4 Vladimir Vladimirov, 2015.

Calystegia soldanella на български

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