Broad-leaved Spindle-Tree
Euonymus latifolius (L.) Mill.
NOT protected species in Bulgaria.
A shrub or low tree reaching a height of 4-5 to 6 meters and 5-6 cm in diameter. The bark is gray-brown, slightly cracked. The young twigs are olive green. Winter buds are elongated spindle-shaped, pointed, 7-19 (-27) mm long. The leaves are oppositely arranged, 7 to 16 cm long and 2 to 7 cm wide, elongated elliptical to obovate, gently serrated at the edge, sometimes entire, glabrous. The inflorescences are of the polychasium type and are located at the base of the leaf petiole (axillary); composed of 2 to 12 flowers, rarely more; the peduncle of the inflorescence is thin, 5-10 cm long. The flowers are regular, bisexual, usually with 5 sepals, petals and stamens, rarely with 4. Sepals obovate, rounded, 1-2 mm long, greenish. Petals oblong-rounded, about 2.5-3.5 mm long and 2-3 mm wide, light greenish-brown, with curled edges on the sides. The capsules are large, almost spherical, 15-20 mm across and about 10 mm high, with four or five winged lobes, the mature carmine or purple-red, hanging on a long, thin, reddish stalk. Seeds oblong-ovate 5-8 mm long and 3-4 mm wide, pale pink to pink-brown, wrapped in an orange-red aril. Flowering May-June [1].
Throughout the country except the floristic regions of the Predbalkan and Pirin. From 800 to 1600 meters above sea level (in Strandzha between 100 and 300 m above sea level)[2].
Western, Central (excluding the northernmost parts and some islands), Eastern and Southeastern (Romania, Crimea, Balkan Peninsula) Europe, Mediterranean, Southwest Asia, Caucasus[3].
[1] Ганчев, И. 1979. Семейство Celasraceae. В: Флора на Н. Р. България. Том VІІ. София.
[2] Ганчев, И. 1979. Пос. източник.
[3] Ганчев, И. 1979. Пос. източник.
The theory of evolution is a lie!