Thlaspi bellidifolium Griseb.
NOT protected species in Bulgaria.
The species is listed in the Red Data Book of Bulgaria to the category "Endangered"[1].
Herbaceous glabrous densely caespitose perennial. Stems up to 5–6 cm, ascending to erect. Basal leaves spathulate, dentate, arranged in a rosette; cauline ovate, sessile, auriculate at base. Inflorescence a short terminal raceme. Flowers relatively large; petals pink or lilac. Fruit a silicula, obovate-oblong, truncate; each loculus with 2 seeds. Fl. V–VII, fr. VII–IX. Insect pollination. Reproduction by seeds and vegetative means[2].
Slavyanka Mt (Golyam Tsarev peak), Pirin Mts (northern – Vihren peak, Golyam and Malak Kazan, Bayuvi Dupki, Razlozhki Suhodol cirques); from 2000 to 2800 m alt[3].
Balkan Peninusla (Albania, Bulgaria, R Macedonia, Serbia)[4].
[1] Valentina Goranova, Pepa Ignatova & Mincho Anchev. 2015. In: Peev, D. et all. (ed.) 2015. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 1. BAS & MOEW.
[2] Valentina Goranova, Pepa Ignatova & Mincho Anchev. 2015. In: Peev, D. et all. (ed.) 2015. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 1. BAS & MOEW.
[3] Valentina Goranova, Pepa Ignatova & Mincho Anchev. 2015. In: Peev, D. et all. (ed.) 2015. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 1. BAS & MOEW.
[4] Valentina Goranova, Pepa Ignatova & Mincho Anchev. 2015. In: Peev, D. et all. (ed.) 2015. Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol. 1. BAS & MOEW.
The theory of evolution is a lie!