Conringia austriaca

Pictures of Conringia austriaca

Conringia austriaca Conringia austriaca Conringia austriaca Conringia austriaca Conringia austriaca Conringia austriaca Conringia austriaca Conringia austriaca Conringia austriaca

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Common names


Scientific name

Conringia austriaca (Jacq.) Sweet.

Conservation status and threats

NOT protected species in Bulgaria.

Description and identification

Annual or biennial herbaceous plant. Stem erect, 30 to 100 cm high, simple, rarely branched at the top, glabrous, blue-green. Stem leaves 8-40 (60) mm long, blue-green, oblong-obovate, entire, cordate at the base, clasping the stem. Flowers 4-6 mm long. The siliques (fruits) are 5-8 cm long, their valves have 3 veins. Flowering April-June1.


Grasslands, vineyards, crops2.

Distribution in Bulgaria

In tne next floristic regions: Danube plain, Northeastern Bulgaria, Znepole region, Sofia region, Vitosha region, Pirin, Struma Valley, Rhodopes, Thracian lowland and Tundzha hilly plain3.

General Distribution

Southern and partly Central Europe, Southwest Asia, Caucasus, North Africa4.


1 Кузманов, Б. 1970. Във: Флора на Народна Република България, том IV, София.

2 Кузманов, Б. 1970.

3 Minčo Ančev. 2007. Catalogue of the family Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) in the flora of Bulgaria, PHYTOLOGIA BALCANICA 13 (2): 153–178, Sofia.

4 Кузманов, Б. 1970.

Conringia austriaca на български

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