Aubrieta gracilis

Pictures of Aubrieta gracilis

Aubrieta gracilis Aubrieta gracilis Aubrieta gracilis Aubrieta gracilis Aubrieta gracilis

(Click on the pictures to see them in larger size)

Common name


Scientific name

Aubrieta gracilis Sprun. ex. Boiss.

Conservation status and threats

PROTECTED species in Bulgaria.

The species is listed in the Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria to the category "Vulnerable"[1].

Description and identification

Caespitose perennial with stolons. Leaves lanceolate to obovate, entire or with 1–3 pairs of teeth, with stellate hairs on both faces. Inflorescences terminal, racemose, few-flowered. Petals violet, entire, long-clawed. Siliqua 20–35 mm long. Seeds brown. Fl. VII–VIII, fr. VIII–IX. Insect pollination. Reproduction by seeds and vegetative means[2].

Distribution in Bulgaria

Pirin Mts (northern), Rila Mts. Between 1800 and 2400 m a.s.l.[3].


[1] Valentina Goranova & Mincho Anchev, 2015 In: Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria.

[2] Valentina Goranova & Mincho Anchev, 2015 In: Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria.

[3] Valentina Goranova & Mincho Anchev, 2015 In: Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria.

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