Water Ragwort, Marsh Ragwort
Senecio aquaticus Hill
NOT protected by the law in Bulgaria.
Senecio aquaticus is a biennial herb. Flowering stems 30-200 cm high. Flower heads in flowering 12-30 mm wide. Leaves lyrate; lamina 5-7 cm long. Flowering June-September1.
On moist and marshy grassy places, meadows, along streams, rivers, marshes, canals, secondarily as a weed in vineyards and gardens2.
Throughout the country from sea level to 1000 (1800) m altitude3.
Western, Central and Southern Europe, Southwest Asia, Northwest Africa4.
1 Владимиров, В. 2012. Флора на Република България, том XI, издателство на БАН, София.
2 Владимиров, В. 2012. Пос. източник.
3 Владимиров, В. 2012. Пос. източник.
4 Владимиров, В. 2012. Пос. източник.
The theory of evolution is a lie!