Senecio aquaticus

Water Ragwort

Pictures of Senecio aquaticus

Senecio aquaticus Senecio aquaticus Senecio aquaticus Senecio aquaticus Senecio aquaticus

(Click on the pictures to see them in larger size)

Common name

Water Ragwort, Marsh Ragwort

Scientific name

Senecio aquaticus Hill

Conservation status and threats

NOT protected by the law in Bulgaria.

Description and identification

Senecio aquaticus is a biennial herb. Flowering stems 30-200 cm high. Flower heads in flowering 12-30 mm wide. Leaves lyrate; lamina 5-7 cm long. Flowering June-September1.


On moist and marshy grassy places, meadows, along streams, rivers, marshes, canals, secondarily as a weed in vineyards and gardens2.

Dstribution in Bulgaria

Throughout the country from sea level to 1000 (1800) m altitude3.

General dstribution

Western, Central and Southern Europe, Southwest Asia, Northwest Africa4.


1 Владимиров, В. 2012. Флора на Република България, том XI, издателство на БАН, София.

2 Владимиров, В. 2012. Пос. източник.

3 Владимиров, В. 2012. Пос. източник.

4 Владимиров, В. 2012. Пос. източник.

Senecio aquaticus на български

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