Carlina corymbosa

Clustered Carline-Thistle

Pictures of Carlina corymbosa

Carlina corymbosa Carlina corymbosa Carlina corymbosa Carlina corymbosa

(Click on the pictures to see them in larger size)

Common names

Clustered Carline-Thistle.

Scientific name

Carlina corymbosa L.

Conservation status and threats

NOT protected species in Bulgaria.

Description and identification

Carlina corymbosa is a biennial herb reaching a height of 20-50 cm tall. The outer bract of the flower heads are brown-yellow on adaxial surface. The leaves are deeply more or less pinnately divided, lobed at the top with strong spines. The fruit is covered with yellow hairs. Flowering June-September1.


Stony, grassy places2.

Distribution in Bulgaria

In the floristic regions: Black Sea coast, Strum Valley, Eastern Rhodopes, Tundzhan hilly plain and Strandzha; from 0 to 1000 altitude3.


1 Делипавлов, Д., И. Чешмеджиев, М. Попова, Д. Терзийски, И. Ковачев. 2003. Определител на растенията в България. Аграрен университет. Пловдив.

2 Делипавлов & кол. 2003. Пос. източник.

3 Делипавлов & кол. 2003. Пос. източник.

Carlina corymbosa на български

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