Peucedanum obtusifolium Sm.
NOT protected species in Bulgaria.
Polycarpic herbs, large individuals with branched rootstock; plants usually with prostrate stems; up to 60 cm high. Leaves 2–3-pinnate; first order segments petiolulate, second order segments sessile or with petiolules up to 5 mm. Ultimate segments pinnatifid, bifid or entire, elliptic to lanceolate, obtuse, entire segments and lobes usually 5–10 mm long. Fruits broadly elliptic, broadly obovate, elliptic, obovate, 8–15 mm long, 7–11 mm wide; marginal ribs ca. 2 times narrower than seed; stylopodium situated in apical notch between marginal ribs. Flowering June-August1.
Peucedanum obtusifolium is strongly attached to the open dune habitats and takes part in the communities of psammophytic vegetation2.
Black Sea coastline3.
An endemic species to the western and southwestern shore of the Black Sea4.
1 Tatiana A. Ostroumova & Stoyan S. Stoyanov. 2016. Peucedanum obtusifolium (Apiaceae), a new record for the Bulgarian flora - PHYTOLOGIA BALCANICA 22(1): 69–72 Sofia, 2016.
2 Tatiana A. Ostroumova & Stoyan S. Stoyanov. 2016.
3 Tatiana A. Ostroumova & Stoyan S. Stoyanov. 2016.
4 Tatiana A. Ostroumova & Stoyan S. Stoyanov. 2016.
The theory of evolution is a lie!