Opopanax chironium ssp. bulgaricum

Bulgarian Sweet Myrrh

Pictures of Opopanax chironium ssp. bulgaricum

Opopanax chironium ssp. bulgaricum Opopanax chironium ssp. bulgaricum Opopanax chironium ssp. bulgaricum Opopanax chironium ssp. bulgaricum Opopanax chironium ssp. bulgaricum

(Click on the pictures to see them in larger size)

Common name

Bulgarian Sweet Myrrh

Scientific name

Opopanax chironium ssp. bulgaricum (Vel.) N. Andr.

Conservation status and threats

PROTECTED species in Bulgaria - enlisted in Appendix 3 of Bulgarian Biodiversity Act.

Description and identification

Herbaceous perennial plant. Flowering June - August. Height 150 - 250 cm (Delipavlov et al., 2003).

Distribution in Bulgaria

Black Sea coast, Thracian Plane, Tundzha Hilly Plane, Danube plane, Stara planina (east) and NE Bulgaria (Delipavlov et al., 2003).

Opopanax chironium ssp. bulgaricum на български

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