Root Chervil.
Chaerophyllum bulbosum L.
NOT protected species in Bulgaria.
Perennial or biennial herbaceous plant. Stems 100-180 cm high. Flowering June-August1.
In bushes and shady grassy places, on the edges of forests, in gardens and vineyards, along roads and fences and abandoned uncultivated areas such as weeds2:
Throughout the country, reaching 1300 meters altitude3.
Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, Central Asia and Siberia4.
1 Асенов Ив. 1982. Във: Флора на Република България, том VIII, София.
2 Асенов Ив. 1982.
3 Асенов Ив. 1982.
4 Асенов Ив. 1982.